There Are No Quick Fixes In Life

Last updated: January 5, 2018 at 1:38 am
In life, there are no quick fixes in life for the most meaningful things. It has personally taken me most of my life to finally realize and accept this. Most of my life, I looked at various successful people, and wanted to figure out the steps to get to their level of success without having to spend the same amount of time that it took them. “Hacking” their success and skills as it is were.

Real change in our lives takes time. In a culture of instant gratification, it is difficult to accept that not everything can be fixed or developed quickly.

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There Are No Quick Fixes For Losing Weight

There are no quick fixes for losing weight. It may seem like a cliché that you need to eat more healthy and exercise in order to lose weight, but it is true. I know. There was a time when I was obese, and one day I decided I had to lose weight. I obsessed with running, and eventually injured my knee. 3 years later, my knee has been mostly healed, I exercise 6 days a week, I eat very healthy foods all the time, and I am in the best shape of my life. If you were really desperate, you could get plastic surgery for temporary weight loss, but if you don’t change your lifestyle, you will inevitably gain the weight back. Unless you are willing to continually get plastic surgery, you need to change yourself.

I believe that generally diets don’t work. Furthermore, I believe that one needs to have a lifestyle change in order to lose weight. If you torture yourself with the foods that you eat, eventually your body will fight back, and you will give up the diet, and probably gain more weight than if you hadn’t dieted in the first place. Losing weight doesn’t have to be expensive or inconvenient, and you can eat tasty foods.

There Are No Quick Fixes For Acquiring Money/Wealth

Get-rich-quick schemes will probably never go away. People get greedy and want to become rich without all the work that it takes in order to acquire lots of wealth. Or they imagine that they might win the big lottery, the thing in which they have an astronomically low probability of winning. Though, most of us really can improve our financial situation given the right planning, self-discipline, and long-term thinking.

Things like avoiding debt, living below your means, and saving are all great ways of starting on your path to wealth acquisition. It might take you 10 years or more, but with enough perseverance, almost anyone can do it. I personally know many self-made rich people who have told me their stories to success. In my lifetime, I have personally met several billionaires and I believe that their stories on how most of them became billionaires, self-made ones, prove my point that if you think long-term enough, you can accomplish what you want.

There Are No Quick Fixes For Developing Habits

The Project Gutenberg EBook of Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary defines a habit as “the usual condition or state of a person or thing, either natural or acquired, regarded as something had, possessed, and firmly retained.” If you want to wake up at 5:30 AM every day, it might take you a while to train yourself to do. It might take you more than one week or more to do so. It would likely involve you waking up just a little bit earlier day-by-day, until you reach 5:30 AM and/or going to bed a little bit earlier day-by-day.

Or you might want to create the habit of exercising every morning. Various people suggest that it takes 30 days to 7 weeks to develop a habit. Two specific habits that took me a while to develop, but now come very easily to me are: exercising 6 days per week, and daily meditation. Sure, there are days when I would rather not work out, but I know that if I give in and don’t go, I will surely rationalize in other parts of my life, and I might go back to my old self. Likewise, if I don’t meditate, I might just give meditation up for a long time. Habits take time to create, but certainly can be created with enough time.

There Are No Quick Fixes For Hurt Relationships

A hurt relationship cannot be fixed just like putting on a band-aid. People are emotional beings. Trust takes time to build just like mutual respect takes time to develop. If you have a broken relationship, someone might teach you how to manipulate another, and fix the relationship in the short term, but in the long run, you will probably be found out, and end up making the relationship much, much worse.

There Are No Quick Fixes For Achieving Goals

All of the topics previously talked about involve self-control, goal-setting and goal attainment, and purpose all intertwined. You need to have a goal, know why you really want it, and then have the self-discipline to actually work on it. I think this is one of the only ways to get real change in our lives for the long term. All of this is certainly easier said than done. But, I have seen so many examples of this through interacting with people and examples in my own life, that I am convinced it is true. Highly recommended books on this topic are The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey and Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

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